Projects Download

ProblemStudent Information System
Category Fundamental
Skill Level Medium
DescriptionIn this project you can manage student records as well as their marks and generate data files and It also have an admin panel to manipulate CGPA.
ProblemSnake Game
Category Fundamental
Skill Level Medium
DescriptionSnake Game made in C++. It uses functions to simulate a full console based snake game with features like difficulty level and maintains the high scores using filehandling
ProblemDoom Survivor
Category Object Oriented Programming
Skill Level Medium
DescriptionIn this project you can manage student records as well as their marks and generate data files and It also have an admin panel to manipulate CGPA.
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ProblemTelePhone Management System
Category Data Structures
Skill Level Medium
DescriptionIn this project you can manage student records as well as their marks and generate data files and It also have an admin panel to manipulate CGPA.
ProblemShopping Cart Filter List
Category Data Structures
Skill Level Medium
DescriptionIn this project you can manage student records as well as their marks and generate data files and It also have an admin panel to manipulate CGPA.
ProblemLibrary Management System
Category Data Structures
Skill Level Medium
DescriptionIn this project you can manage student records as well as their marks and generate data files and It also have an admin panel to manipulate CGPA.
ProblemDress Shop Finance Management
Category Object Oriented Programming
Skill Level Medium
DescriptionIn this project you can manage student records as well as their marks and generate data files and It also have an admin panel to manipulate CGPA.
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